This is Carolanne

This is to tell you a bit more about who I am - from when I was younger to about now. I didn't anticipate it would have the start that it does, but that's what happens when I think some and write some more.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Carolanne - Part 1 - I Was A Child

I started this blog so that visitors can find out more about me without the poor ol' friends having to hear it all over again. There's only so much I can say in one blog post and in a profile. So here goes:

Born on October 8th, 1965, I was the first girl to arrive in a family that would later grow to 6 children. On the day of my birth, my brothers were 3.5 years and 2.5 years older than me and it was 14 months after my birth, that the twins were born - a sister and another brother. The 6th child, who is my 2nd sister was born 6 years and one week after me.

My dad was a mechanic who worked long hours but who was also committed to his wife and to his children. I adored my dad and one of my fondest memories was walking up the street, hand in his hand, talking with him about my future.

Mum was a stay-at-home mum who was always there for us especially when we got home from school. We attended school daily and had to be on our death beds to get a day off. Mum loved dad and together they created a safe and happy environment for us. Their commitment to God and then to church was a strong foundation for all of us and now that we are all grown up with children of our own, we are all still applying those principles/commitments in our own homes.

I have a lot of memories of "waiting" for something to happen. When we were moving house, I remember sitting out in the playground, next to the milk bottles, waiting to be picked up to go to our new home. Of course, these days I would have been kept in the classroom and signed out but in those days, things were a little different.... safer.

Early on at my "new" school, I was nearly 6 and told mum that I could walk home by myself. I knew the way and my mum believed me. I crossed the wrong road and the lollipop lady tried to tell me I was going the wrong way but I insisted this was the right way. I kept walking and walking until I admitted to myself that I was lost and sat down on a small brick fence and waited.

A lady came past and tried to ask me who I was and where I was going but, aware of "stranger danger" I didn't say anything. She went home and got her own children and then I trusted her. She called mum and then dropped me off at home. My poor mother was heavily pregnant with her sixth child.

As I sit here and think about those times they do, even now, reflect part of who and why I am who I am. I am willing to wait for someone I love but am also willing to find my own way home. I know what is right and what is wrong but will sometimes have to try it out for myself and come to my own conclusions despite your advice. I keep walking until finally I am forced to stop and wait for someone to help me. I was quite a trusting child, if independent. But then again, in a family of 6 children - and being the middle child, independence was probably one of those things that had to happen.


  • At 22/7/06 7:14 pm, Blogger C.J.M. said…

    Very interesting. There were dimensions of these stories that were new to me, too. I didn't know about you waiting at the school. I didn't know that the lollipop lady tried to guide you in the right direction, either.

  • At 22/7/06 9:35 pm, Blogger Cathy said…

    How interesting! Times were safer back then - I am 9 years older than you but much of what you said applied when I was younger. Times are certainly different now.

  • At 26/7/06 8:33 pm, Blogger delwynnehughes said…

    You are still determined to find out things for yourself. Some of us would say that is being pigheaded but it is an excellent way to learn even if it does take longer and you have to wait for someone to come along and take your hand and lead you home.{In my previous comment I wrote purpose instead of person and I didn't revise it before I posted it and I didn't want to put it in the bin}


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