This is Carolanne

This is to tell you a bit more about who I am - from when I was younger to about now. I didn't anticipate it would have the start that it does, but that's what happens when I think some and write some more.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

How I Got to be Where I Am

At the beginning of 2002, the principal from the Christian school came and strongly urged me to apply for a part time position available here in our town. At the time, the school had only been going for about four years and had been planted by another campus in the next town. After many weeks of hearing his request, I agreed to be interviewed as the position was only for one day a week a fortnight to give the full-time teacher planning time.

I didn't need the job as at the time, I was enjoying a casual teaching job at the local government school usually involving about threee or four days a week. On the days that I didn't teach, I would go down to the beach and stroll there for an hour or so. Some days I would teach for only half a day and could go for a walk then too. Walking along the beach is one of my favourite things to do.

At my interview in February, I sat with two board members and the principal and listened to their questions so that I could reply honestly. After all, I had nothing to lose by this interview. At one stage, due to the intensity of their questions I asked, "Isn't this only a part time job?" and Leslie's reply was, "Well,, but you never know where God might lead". At the end of the interview, the principal summed up my responses and said, "Carolanne has the heart of a teacher" and they all smiled and agreed and I was employed to teach one day a week, every fortnight.

In April, the full time teacher had to leave due to medical reasons and since she was going to retire at the end of the year, decided to do it right then and there instead. I was thrust into teaching full-time in a one teacher school with 16 students in grades Prep to five, with a "parent campus" in a town 30 minutes drive away. Being a sociable type person, I found the isolation very difficult and our whole family had to make adjustments to fit into this new lifestyle/career change.

The BMF stepped in to support me and to ensure that I had everything I needed to teach. He would ring regularly to check up on me and as he's very passionate about Christian education, he mentored and encouraged me, passing on the vision for this school. Over the years, when I have struggled, he's given me practical help and advice and been a shoulder to cry on which is why, for one of many reasons, I value his friendship.

I could tell you lots of incidences that happened but mostly the last four and half years have been a time of growth for me and for this school campus. I have grown in confidence and enjoyed the challenges of teaching here. I have refined some of the teaching skills I have as well as nurtured the teaching heart God has given me. I am very content and blessed to be teaching here and have no desire, as yet, to move on or to move in a different direction.

The school now has thirty-eight students and two full time teachers, including myself. We have a part time teacher come in for 2 part days a week to give us lesson planning time and me administration time since I have to answer the phones, check the mail and have done most of the promotions (with the BMF) for the past 4.5 years.

Five years ago, if I had have known that I would be in this position now, I would have shied right away from attending that interview. God has had His hand in it all along and has grown me into this job. I love it!!! I am thankful for the families, the students, the colleagues and the friends I have made by being here where I am, today.


  • At 30/7/06 2:54 pm, Blogger C.J.M. said…

    It is amazing to look back and see how God has lead. I remember just prior to this time when you were asked to give a speech at a C.R.E training day, and what a huge step that was for you. However, you did a wonderful job and this was the first speech of many new challenges ahead.
    You have done a wonderful job as you have been empowered by God each step of the way.

  • At 30/7/06 10:25 pm, Blogger delwynnehughes said…

    It is amazing to look back and see the way God has led you and your family in good and bad times. Even those years at Triple R were not wasted all the time that Russell was studying. All those experiences of working with strange and difficult people have helped you where you are today. The wonderful thing too is that you were not looking for this but God in His wisdom knew what you needed in your life. It is good to see your thankfulness and joy in this work.

  • At 31/7/06 10:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am really enjoying reading what you have to say Carolanne. I also think that you are very blessed indeed to have Russell and Delwynne caring for you and encouraging you. We have a GREAT God don't we! He always knows where we need to be and how far we can be pushed (before we want to panic and flee). At church and in friendship I thank God for you being a true example of "Blessed to be a Blessing".


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