The Five Senses
I like to:
The rainbow stretch its colours over the grey sky.
My friends' eyes twinkling, their mouths upturned in a smile.
Children playing happily together, running, chasing, and enjoying the moment.
Rolling green hills dotted by cows, sheep and trees.
Boats bobbing slightly on a gentle river.
Friends coming into my home.
A friend's Yahoo ID being lit up which means they're online to talk.
Photos that bring back precious memoriesOld couples walking hand in hand, obviously enjoying their life together.
New blog posts from family, friends and fellow bloggers.
A look of love/understanding pass between two friendsHear
Compliments, kind words and encouragement
Laughter that comes bursting forth spontaneously
Magpies singing and kookaburras laughing
Music - all sorts and styles
The sounds of the bush - bellbirds & other birds, dew dripping off leaves
A friend say my name "Carolanne" Taste
Obviously, diet coke and chocolate
Fresh strawberries with or without custard or ice-cream
Cheese and Onion crinklecut chips
Roast Dinners with Honey carrots, mashed pumpkin and mint peas
Fresh bread/ freshly made sandwiches
Crumpets with honey
Hot chocolate with melted marshmallows
Freshly mowed grass
Pretty perfumes/after shave that reminds me of a loved one
New books, new stationery
The bush - with the fragrance of trees
Bread being baked in the oven
Something good cookingTouch
Be embraced by a loved one
The packaging plastic that you can "pop"
A friend on the shoulder/arm
A baby's kiss
To Do
Play Squash
Go swimming
Walk along the beach or in the bush
Be alone
Talk with my friends and family
Visit loved ones
Walk on the beach in the moonlight
Teach a classful of my favourite students
Watch movies with happy endings
Play games on the computer: Cribbage, Literati, Word Racer, JTBlocks.....
Chat online with friends
At 14/8/06 10:43 pm,
C.J.M. said…
Very informative and very interesting.
At 15/8/06 5:33 pm,
tonymyles said…
I like this concept... very cool way to get to know someone
At 21/8/06 12:22 pm,
delwynnehughes said…
A true insight into you.How are the roses going?
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