This is Carolanne

This is to tell you a bit more about who I am - from when I was younger to about now. I didn't anticipate it would have the start that it does, but that's what happens when I think some and write some more.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Scattergories Meme

As all other memes start, I begin in the same way: I saw this meme at Susie's and liked the looks of it. Though I was not tagged, I took up the challenge and played along with it. After all, Scattergories is a favourite game of mine, even if I haven't played it in ages, and using the letter "C" looked to be easier than it is.

These are the rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following…They must be REAL places, names, things…NOTHING made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

My name is Carolanne which means my letter is C

1. Famous Athlete: Betty Cuthbert
2. 4 letter word: care
3. Street name: Cameron Street
4. Color: Cream
5. Gifts/presents: Chocolates, Candy, CD's
6. Vehicles: Commodore
7. Tropical Locations: Carribeans
8. College Majors: counselling
9. Dairy Products: cheese
10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: coins, clothing
11. Boy Name: Colin
12. Girl Name: Colleen
13. Movie Titles: Casablanca
14. Alcohol: Cougar (according to my 14 yr old son!)
15. Occupations: Cleaner
16. Flowers: Carnations
17. Celebrities: Cindy Crawford

18. Magazines: Inside Cricket
19. U.S. Cities: Cincinnati

20. Pro Sports Teams: Carlton (AFL)
21. Something found in a kitchen: collander
22. Reason for being late: Curlingwand got stuck in my hair and I couldn't get them out, couldn't get the car started and then I got chased by a cheetah and got caught up crossing the road with children who were going on an excursion.
23. Something You Throw Away: Chipped cups
24 Things You Shout: Come here now, Children!
25. Cartoon Character: Casper

There you have it. Cornered, I might admit to cheating but sinCe it was only to check correct usage of words, I consider it permissable. If you can cope, I challenge you to complete the meme!

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  • At 28/1/07 11:39 am, Blogger Susie said…

    Carol: cute coverage causing chuckles!

  • At 8/12/07 4:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    1. Famous Athlete: ratatalouie
    2. 4 letter word: race
    3. Street name: No one names a street with an R!!! ( Railroad street)
    4. Color: red
    5. Gifts/presents: Raisins, radio, raygun and Rolaids
    6. Vehicles: Ranger
    7. Tropical Locations: Right beside the equator
    8. College Majors: Really smart stuff
    9. Dairy Products: rancid cheese
    10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Rinds,rymes, and reasons
    11. Boy Name: Robert (my name)
    12. Girl Name: Rachel
    13. Movie Titles: Raiders of the lost Ark
    14. Alcohol: rolling rock ( I don't drink the stuff tho)
    15. Occupations: Rodbuster (Iron worker/millright)
    16. Flowers: Rose (reminds me of MOM)
    17. Celebrities: Robert Redford
    18. Magazines: Redbook :o)
    19. U.S. Cities: Reidsville Ga.
    20. Pro Sports Teams: Raiders?
    21. Something found in a kitchen: Roaches :o(
    22. Reason for being late: Rose up Real Real late, Ran aRound, Racing the clock,Repeatedly forgot what I was risking as I relived rare but very radical menmories of "rode hard" and ripped, Then realizing Rye with Raisins or rancid cheese raided was ready , I reached for Rolaids and rose, raced to My Ranger (not RED) in a Rapid Ride of Risk Up the road risking roadkills, remembering Requirements regarding regular work routines and with regrets, registering rampant ravings regardless of reason, rationalizing as I slide my rear up to the timeclock. :o) Oh well.....
    23. Something You Throw Away: Refuse
    24 Things You Shout: Remember, realize or regret!
    25. Cartoon Character: Rudolph The rednosed Reindeer.


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