Tell Me What You Think Meme
I decided to post my responses to the Meme that Susie asked here since this is the site where you're supposed to find out about me - my past, facts etc. I know you find out about me at the other 2 blogsites too but since I haven't posted here in awhile, it's one way to get it going again.
1. As a child, what did you always say you wanted to be when you grew up?
I recall wanting to be a nurse even though all my teachers, friends and my mum thought I wanted to be a teacher. Just because I used to spend my playtimes at school "teaching" my friends and acting out the teacher was no reason to believe I didn't want to be a nurse. I don't know why I gave up the dream of being a nurse because it was so long ago and being a teacher is the best career I could have chosen. There's so much challenge, fulfillment, enjoyment, variety and so many other things.
2. If you had to choose one thing that you've always dreamed of doing, what would it be? What is stopping you?
I can't say that I have any dreams unfulfilled. I often dream of learning to surf but I don't really feel that passionate about it. I have travelled and met some online friends and would like to meet some others but time and money influence when that could happen again. Sometimes I dream of living in the country, real country but that would mean other complications for working, friends etc. I am content with the life I have lived and am living.
3. Who is your biggest fan? Who is always encouraging you to be all that you can be?
My biggest fan when I was growing up was my mum and my dad but my mum was the most vocal about it. Both of them encouraged all of us to do our best and accepted whatever results we brought hom as long as it was our best. My mum had dreams for me and would often tell me my strengths and give me realistic dreams about what I could do in the future. When she passed away in 1999, I lost the reassurance that she would give and yet, her encouragement and words are still a part of my heart.
4. What bible study or book (besides the obvious-the Bible) has most impacted your life to date?
To be honest, I have read so many study guides and books that I can not pinpoint just one book. Max Lucado's "In the Grip of Grace" was an important book to me and Bible studies I have done with good friends using different study guides have also been important. I think God meets you where you're at (Emilie Barnes) and provides the books or study that you need for that time of life - assuming you want to grow.
5. When are you the happiest?
This is another difficult question to answer because there are so many "situations" where I am happy. I am happy walking along the beach on my own. I am happy spending time with my friends and family together. I am happy celebrating birthdays and special occasions and I am happy when I look at my class and see them all engrossed in their work.
"Happy" isn't so much the word as "content".
Recently my friend Heather said to someone, "You stay here and keep my friend, Carolanne happy" and as I was already smiling, it was acknowledged that it's not such a difficult thing to do.
So that's about it. Did you learn anything that you didn't know before? I would tag 3 people as I'm supposed to do but I'm not sure who reads this blogsite. If I could tag anyone, it would have to be Art, Kareen and Vicki. Here's hoping ~~~~~
1. As a child, what did you always say you wanted to be when you grew up?
I recall wanting to be a nurse even though all my teachers, friends and my mum thought I wanted to be a teacher. Just because I used to spend my playtimes at school "teaching" my friends and acting out the teacher was no reason to believe I didn't want to be a nurse. I don't know why I gave up the dream of being a nurse because it was so long ago and being a teacher is the best career I could have chosen. There's so much challenge, fulfillment, enjoyment, variety and so many other things.
2. If you had to choose one thing that you've always dreamed of doing, what would it be? What is stopping you?
I can't say that I have any dreams unfulfilled. I often dream of learning to surf but I don't really feel that passionate about it. I have travelled and met some online friends and would like to meet some others but time and money influence when that could happen again. Sometimes I dream of living in the country, real country but that would mean other complications for working, friends etc. I am content with the life I have lived and am living.
3. Who is your biggest fan? Who is always encouraging you to be all that you can be?
My biggest fan when I was growing up was my mum and my dad but my mum was the most vocal about it. Both of them encouraged all of us to do our best and accepted whatever results we brought hom as long as it was our best. My mum had dreams for me and would often tell me my strengths and give me realistic dreams about what I could do in the future. When she passed away in 1999, I lost the reassurance that she would give and yet, her encouragement and words are still a part of my heart.
4. What bible study or book (besides the obvious-the Bible) has most impacted your life to date?
To be honest, I have read so many study guides and books that I can not pinpoint just one book. Max Lucado's "In the Grip of Grace" was an important book to me and Bible studies I have done with good friends using different study guides have also been important. I think God meets you where you're at (Emilie Barnes) and provides the books or study that you need for that time of life - assuming you want to grow.
5. When are you the happiest?
This is another difficult question to answer because there are so many "situations" where I am happy. I am happy walking along the beach on my own. I am happy spending time with my friends and family together. I am happy celebrating birthdays and special occasions and I am happy when I look at my class and see them all engrossed in their work.
"Happy" isn't so much the word as "content".
Recently my friend Heather said to someone, "You stay here and keep my friend, Carolanne happy" and as I was already smiling, it was acknowledged that it's not such a difficult thing to do.
So that's about it. Did you learn anything that you didn't know before? I would tag 3 people as I'm supposed to do but I'm not sure who reads this blogsite. If I could tag anyone, it would have to be Art, Kareen and Vicki. Here's hoping ~~~~~
At 11/1/07 3:32 pm,
Susie said…
Thanks for doing this meme!
I enjoyed reading your answers and learning a bit more about you.
At 11/1/07 7:12 pm,
Art said…
OK, I'll do it... But only because you're my virtual stalker:)
At 11/1/07 11:25 pm,
Carolanne said…
Thanks Susie.
Art, it's good to know I can count on my virtual stalkee-d although I fear I haven't been the virtual stalker I could be. :)
At 12/1/07 7:07 am,
C.J.M. said…
Very interesting Blog. I can see you as a nurse being friendly and cheerful, but I am not sure about the "blood and guts" side of it. Teaching was a far better choice.
At 12/1/07 12:09 pm,
Vicki said…
Oh, Carolanne! You're going to make me think! Okay, I will work on this, although it may take a day or two.
I really goofed...I accompanied my hubby on a business trip yesterday and today, and I forgot my camera! I spent today at the beach, shopping, eating freshly caught fish, and just enjoying the sights along the Gulf of Mexico. Ah, well.
At 12/1/07 1:06 pm,
Carolanne said…
Sounds like a wonderful day.
The good thing about my camera is it's so small I can fit it in my handbag (purse) wherever I go.
At 12/1/07 2:25 pm,
Penny said…
I don't know if nursing and teaching are just natural partners, but nursing was my other career choice. I sometimes still think that I would like to be a nurse. I think it's the helping aspect that appeals to me.
At 14/1/07 12:28 am,
Paul said…
Thanks for sharing this with us, Carolanne! I like what you wrote about contentment - I agree that it is much more than superficial happiness, it's all about knowing that you are blessed. The Greek word for "blessed" used in the Beatitudes is "makarios" (just Google to find out more about the meaning of this word). I read about this in Unloading the Overload by Australian (!) authors Cliff Powell and Graham Barker. Read this book and be blessed!
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